Learning Management Systems
Information and communication technologies nowadays have a considerable impact on formation of all aspects of life, including the training process of employees and organisation of study process. E-learning in combination with the traditional methods of training can significantly alter the staff training procedure, improve their skills and competencies. E-learning system ensures fast and effective testing of knowledge and helps to organise work of the teaching staff. This system is developed on the basis of Microsoft SharePoint technologies by integrating different process management and coordination tools. The system is easy to implement and convenient to use. It can be introduced gradually, first the simple storages of study materials and later more complex methods of preparing tests and study materials by means of introducing electronic tasks and assessments, adding tools for drafting reports and encouraging cooperation of the participants by using email, audio and video options and integration in the organisation’s financial and personnel management systems. E-learning does not require huge organisational work to coordinate the time and place acceptable for the students and the lecturers, because each employee may learn at its own pace at the time and place that suits the most. E-learning allows not only acquiring of new skills, but also provides methods for effective and diverse testing of the knowledge, the test management, by storing the test results in a unified data base. This solution supports the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), the most popular standard for development of electronic study materials. Thus the company has an opportunity to use study materials that are developed by other organisations. Our training specialists are also free to use the existing study materials that require no alterations and may be used in Microsoft Office formats and as audio and video files.
Advantages from LMS implementation
Such learning management system has many advantages for its participants in the study process and it increases the company’s productivity.
Human resources management specialists and company managers are able to:
- draft and publish information that is essential for the training attendees;
- prepare and amend study materials at the individually preferred time;
- use study materials developed by other organisations;
- get reports on employee results and the targets met;
- carry out employee satisfaction surveys and prepare annual assessments of the employees.
The employees can:
- Access information and study materials at any time and to work on the published tasks;
- monitor the self-learning process, see the test results and check the certificates obtained for mastering of the respective skills;
- create websites for group learning and saving of the shared information;
- communicate with other students by e-mail and to participate in discussions.