Microsoft news

When we last wrote about the most important news from Microsoft, we already mentioned that the development of technology is currently experiencing its greatest rise. The different needs and problems of customers inspire IT companies to think of new solutions that could help them work more efficiently. Microsoft is no exception and we have collected their most important news in recent months.

  • Microsoft has come up with innovations that make creating presentations and working with documents even more efficient. It is possible to turn Microsoft Word documents into PowerPoint presentations with few clicks. Design the document according to the parameters and export it as a PowerPoint presentation. 1
  • Microsoft Teams offers the function of creating work groups from templates, making daily work even more efficient. Create groups from scratch, from Microsoft 365 Groups, or choose any group template and create a group in minutes. 2
  • Microsoft Excel has also been improved, offering a feature to see all edits made to your Excel workbooks. This opens up new opportunities for collaboration and helps track version history.
  • Customize Outlook notifications. It is now possible to personalize what and how notifications appear on your computer. Whether it would be specific people, @ mentioning in documents, reactions and similar – now you can determine it yourself.

Use the possibilities of technology more widely in your daily life and save your working time to spend on more important daily tasks. You can learn more about Microsoft solutions here: or contact us by writing to or by calling 67338366.

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1 More information:

2 More information: